How We Got Here
In 2001, Congress authorized the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Program and the State Wildlife Grant Program. These programs were established to improve wildlife habitat stewardship and management with the goal of reducing the number of species requiring listing as threatened or endangered. Lets get some acronyms out of the way.
USFWS - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
IL WAP - Illinois Comprehensive Wildlife Conseration Plan
Land managers and volunteers from the three designated COA's were familiar with each other and had partnered on a few projects. Therefore, with IDNR approval, the COA's merged into the Middle Rock River Conservation Partners. MRRCP began restoring woodlands, wetlands, prairies, seeps, savannas and more in Lee and Ogle counties. Our partnership grew into a prescribed fire crew, stewardship work days scheduled on sites within the COAs, volunteer training seminars, sharing labor and equipment, and educational programming.